Wednesday, 13 May 2015

How to Conceal a Big Red Pimple – Tutorial and Personal Anecdote!

Every dark cloud has a silver lining. That was the well-known adage running through my mind last week as I was battling a nasty skin issue – an outbreak of zits on my face.

I don’t suffer much with spots as a rule, but when I do, boy do I suffer. They usually pop up big and angry and I simply can’t help but zoom in on them whenever I catch my reflection in a mirror. Last week was one of those occasions.

I first got a small red spot on my forehead, then a slighter bigger one on my chin, and finally a really big bugger erupted just on the base of my orbital bone. Why oh why sprout just there? - in my eyes (sorry) that’s the worst of places as the skin is so thin!

This particular spot decided it would take its time coming to a head, and so I decided I’d help it along a bit by squeezing. Yes! I know! We are all very aware that this is the ONE thing NOT to do, but when presented with temptation…

Needless to say said spot doubled in size and the surrounding skin swelled! I found myself staring at my reflection every time I walked past a mirror and filling my head with thoughts of nothing but Mr spot (do spots have gender?). I'd better just mention that the pic above was taken some days after the zit displayed in its full glory.

Then, the idea came to me that I could turn this negative into a positive by writing a post on how to conceal big red pimples, complete with ‘real’ pictures! Oddly, that decision seemed to calm me - not sure why I thought writing about my zit and displaying it on my blog would somehow help!


The Tools You Need

A few bits of equipment is all you need to conceal a big red pimple: a green concealer, a concealer that matches your skin tone, a few cotton buds and a setting powder with brush (all show in main pic).


Step 1 - Green Concealer

Using a clean cotton bud (you don’t want to spread any infection), dab the spot with green concealer. This will help to neutralise any redness.

Step 2 - Skin Tone Concealer

Using a clean brush or another cotton bud apply a concealer that matches your skin tone exactly to the pimple to camouflage it (using one that is too dark or too light will actually draw attention to the thing you’re trying to hide).

Step 3- Setting Powder

Finish by carefully dabbing a setting powder over the top. This will help to seal the concealer and prevent it slipping off.

Ta-da! Finito! Job done!
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