Pic Credits: David Shankbone (Cameron Diaz) and MingleMediaTVNetwork (Gwyneth Paltrow) |
The Anti-Ageing Health & Beauty Show poll proves revealing
If you follow @AntiAgeingShow on Twitter you may recently have read some of their fascinating tweets revealing our thoughts on ageing and on the options available to us to slow its progress.
The insights come from a study conducted by The Anti-Ageing Health & Beauty Show, ahead of its annual event at Olympia in London in May.
I’m a bit of a sucker for a good survey, especially when it’s centred on something as controversial as anti-ageing. We all have different thoughts and opinions on the subject, and no doubt, like me, there will be aspects of this survey that you agree with and others that you don’t. That is what I like about surveys – they divide opinion and provoke debate.
The show organisers have kindly sent me a full copy of the study, which involved more than 100 women respondents aged 25-60. I have pulled together some of the key findings below. I’d love to hear your thoughts:
Q: Which over 40 celebrity do you think has aged brilliantly?
A: Gwyneth Paltrow came top with 39%, them Cameron Diaz at 33%, followed by Sharon Stone and Madonna at 23% and 5% respectively.
My thoughts: Given that Gwynnie and Cammie are both just 41 I’m not that surprised they came top but big thumbs up to Sharon Stone, who is gorgeous at 55 years young.
Q: Which physical feature would you most change if you could?
A: More than half said stomach (53%), 22% said their nose, 20% said breasts and just 5% lips.
My thoughts: Celebs may like their Botoxed lips but seems we're not all fixated
Q: Do you think that people Photoshop or re-touch the photo’s they post on social media and Facebook?
A: 80% yes and 20% no.
My thoughts: Gosh!
Q: Would you buy a beauty product just because it was celebrity endorsed?
A: 94% no, 7% yes.
My thoughts: Rather begs the question why so many brands pay celebrities huge amounts to promote their products.
Q: Which product can’t you live without?
A: 51% said moisturiser, 37% mascara/eyeliner, 12% lipstick/lipgloss
My thoughts: Couldn't agree more
Q: What are your main concerns about anti-ageing?
A: 34% fine lines and wrinkles, 30% loss of elasticity and firmness, 20% radiance and luminosity and 16% pigmentation and ages spots
My thoughts: Age spots would rank higher with me.
Q: Has your partner used your beauty products?
A: 66% no, 34% yes
My thoughts: Brilliant that most men use (or perhaps have used) skincare but I reckon a good few men also buy their own beauty products. Bring it on...
Q: Do you think that men who spend a lot of money on grooming are vain?
A: 75% said no, 25% yes
My thoughts: Nothing wrong with men spending their cash on grooming.
Q: Would you allow your child to succumb to a cosmetic or aesthetic treatment if they were bullied and wanted a physical feature changed?
A: 58% No, 42% Yes
My thoughts: Why is the ‘yes’ figure is so high?! Surely the problem here is the bully, not your child’s physical feature.